‘Naked’ Skin: The New World of Beauty
The coronavirus has changed so much about our lives . . . even our beauty routines. For example, hair and nail salons were largely shuttered for much of the spring and early summer, and even with reopening’s, many of us remain reluctant to spend too much time in enclosed spaces. Furthermore, you don’t need as much makeup and styling products to attend a Zoom conference. People are becoming more comfortable...
To Lose the Years, Look to the Light
Our board-certified dermatologists are continually searching for the latest cutting-edge technology so we can offer our patients the most innovative, effective, and comfortable advances in professional skin care. Our most recent find, and one we are very enthusiastic about, is a BroadBand Light™ (BBL) laser treatment that can take years off your complexion in a matter of minutes. Recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is...
Effects of COVID-19 on Skin
There are two types of skin issues associated with the novel coronavirus: how the disease affects the skin, and additional skin irritations incurred while trying to avoid it. Our board-certified dermatologists want to bring you up to date on the first, and tell you the best ways to avoid the second. Skin speaks volumes As we’ve noted in the past, the overall health of your body is often apparent first on your skin....
Avoiding Sun Damage During the Pandemic
Even before the coronavirus-related restrictions were lifted, many people were escaping the confinements of home by heading outdoors alone or with family members. Now that more outside venues are opening, more of us will be spending even more time outdoors, possibly putting our skin at risk of sun damage, including skin cancer. Therefore, our board-certified dermatologists at Genesis Dermatology would like to remind you about the best ways to protect yourself...
How to Protect Your Skin from Face Mask Irritation
Love them or hate them, there’s no doubt that face masks can help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. A review which looked at 172 observational studies from around the world was published June 1 in the journal Lancet, and it found that wearing face masks reduces the risk of coronavirus infection. Another study published June 18th in the journal Health Affairs found that “states in the U.S. mandating use of...
UV Light: Bad for Viruses, Worse for Skin
Our board-certified dermatologists at Genesis Dermatology have often warned you about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation on your skin. The UVA and UVB wavelengths of sunlight produce both immediate and long-term damage to the skin, including deadly skin cancers. Now there’s another type of UV light that we want to caution you about: UVC. This has become popular in recent weeks as another desperate attempt to find any method that will...
Help Your Skin Protect You From COVID-19
Our board-certified dermatologists in Jupiter know you’re concerned about the novel coronavirus, and that you’re seeking every possible avenue to protect your health. One way you may not have thought of is to ensure your skin is as healthy as possible. This is because your skin is a significant barrier between you and the virus that causes COVID-19. Let us explain. How skin protects you By now, you’ve heard it over and over:...
10 Secrets to Minimizing Post-Treatment Bruising
Our board-certified dermatologists at Genesis Dermatology employ state-of-the-art procedures when providing skin care. Many of our treatments result in no downtime afterward. Sometimes, however, post-treatment bruising is inevitable. So here are 10 ways you can prevent it altogether, or speed your recovery if you do experience it. Plus, we’d like to introduce you to a new product we’re very excited about that has been clinically demonstrated to substantially reduce bruising as...
New Study Sheds Light on Sunscreen Absorption
Genesis Dermatology's board-certified dermatologists in Jupiter consistently recommend the use of sunscreens for everyone, even in the winter months and on cloudy days. Note that Florida ranks second in the nation in the rate of new melanoma cases each year. We’ve noticed that some of our patients, however, resist its use because they’ve heard that the chemicals they contain can be absorbed into the body. A new study by the U.S....
Nutrafol and Hairbiotic: Drug-Free Solutions for Thinning Hair
Our board-certified dermatologists at Genesis Dermatology in Jupiter are always excited to find products that are both effective and safe. That’s why we’d like to tell you about two supplements that offer a new approach for thinning hair. There is probably no aspect of a person’s appearance that causes them more concern than their hair. We spend a great deal of time attempting to get it to look “just so.” That’s...