The Sunscreen vs. Vitamin D Myth
When our board-certified dermatologists in Jupiter constantly remind our patients to apply sunscreen all year ‘round, we sometimes get pushback from our patients who are worried about the effect on their vitamin D levels. This is because sun exposure is a primary way to get D, which is why it’s often called “the sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D is crucial to maintaining health. Its main function is to help the body absorb...
Why You Still Get Burned When Using Sunscreen
For years you’ve heard our dermatologists at Genesis Dermatology in Jupiter warn you never to set foot outside—or sit near windows in the sun—without applying a sunscreen of at least 30 SPF. And you do, but burn anyway. So what happened? There are several possible reasons for this. You don’t use enough Probably the number one reason why people burn despite using sunscreen is that they use too little. The American Academy of...
Prevent Skin Problems While Gardening
There are many rewards of gardening, whether you have a large yard or just a few plants in pots. Planting, weeding, watering, and caring for plants reduces stress, provides exercise, and exposes you to beneficial organisms in the soil.
Try DiamondGlow for Brighter Skin Instantly
Our dermatologists in Jupiter are pleased to announce that we’ve added an exciting new facial treatment to our extensive line of cosmetic treatments to help bring out your skin’s natural beauty.
21 Facts About Skin Cancer & How to Avoid It
Beach weather is here, along with an increased risk for skin cancer. This is why May has been designated Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and why our dermatologists in Jupiter at Genesis Dermatology want to share some facts you may not know about skin cancer, along with ways to avoid it. Statistics Cancer of the skin is the most common form of cancer in the United States. It’s also the most preventable form of...
What to Know About Alopecia
Whatever your opinion of Will Smith’s action at the Oscars last month, the incident did at least serve to raise awareness about his wife’s alopecia. Those who follow celebrity news were probably already aware of the reason Jada Pinkett Smith came to the ceremony with a shaved head. Others may have simply thought it was a fashion statement. But our dermatologists in Jupiter know all too well the embarrassment and even devastation...
Edible Sunscreens?
You may get tired of hearing our board-certified dermatologists remind you to wear sunscreen. But it’s important.
Ways to Update Your Skincare Routine
If your skin hasn’t been looking its best lately, or even if you’ve just been wondering whether it could look better, our dermatologists want to suggest that you consider that your skincare routine might need to be revamped.